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Shipping a 50 Foot Fire Truck From CSCTRUCK To ASIA

Mar 19, 2022

CSCTRUCK is with pleasure to have shipped a 50-foot container to Scania National Fire Authority (NFA)

The purchase of the Multipurpose Fire Trucks is an important Government funded project for the people of this nation.

The purchase of such specialized fire trucks will allow NFA to respond effectively to high-rise building fires.

This new Fire Truck was purchased from CSCTRUCK. The truck is fitted with the latest available fire fighting technologies and has a 4000-liter water capacity, and 1000-liter foam capacity, and is also installed with the latest road accident rescue equipment. It has a monitor installed on top of the truck which will allow for related fires. The truck also has a monitor in front of the truck which can be used for property and vehicle fires. Mr. Kumar added that the Government and his Ministry will continue to provide an enabling environment that will support the National Fire Authority to achieve its full potential in delivering an efficient and effective emergency response and rescue service for fire, ambulance, and other emergencies. 

